AAPL Tokenised Trading Competition
Purchase $200 or more in AAPL Tokenised Stock & Trade
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Earn rewards worth 10000 USDT
The competition is open to new and existing Users — THXCHAIN Digital Platform
Purchase $200 or more AAPL Token to enter
Minimum 10 Trade per User
Purchase & Trading must be made via our THXChain Digital Platform must be held for the duration of the competition
The competition closes 28FEB 2021
Users will be ranked from 1st to 15th based on their total trading volume on THXChain Digital Platform ( calculated as the total buying and selling volume, AAPL, be converted to USDT for calculation
Reward $10000 worth USDT+THR Digital Portfolio Token+THRSTO & THX DeFi tokens
AAPL Tokenised Stock is listed Under Digital Asset Platform Initiative
You won’t be able to deposit the AAPL token from another wallet to your THXCHAIN Digital Platform Wallet
Trading — You will be able to buy, sell, trade the token in our USDT markets
Withdrawals — You won’t be able to withdraw the token from your THXCHAIN wallet. What you can do instead, is sell it in our USDT market
Write info@thorenetwork.com for “AAPL” Withdrawal Request
Purchase AAPL Token Directly from Thore Network Treasury
Only 9999 AAPL Tokenised Stock available for Public sale
Write info@thorenetwork.com
50–75% of the stocks and bonds trading on Wall Street/Financial Markets today could be tokenized, and in 3 years 25% of the stocks and bonds on Wall Street will be tokenized
Entry in Tokenised Stock Segment Now is similar to investing in DeFi 2019 Tokenised stocks is emerging as a preferred investment class especially among millennials & Mid size Fund houses due to its Brand Name ,properties and underlying technology
We intend to list 10+ stock & Assets in Next 30–60 days with Liquidity
#part of ThoreCOIN Digital Portfolio Token Project
Tesla GM Crude Gold Netflix MicroSoft Boeing FB